Yellow Cake Mix
1. White Cake Mix
Replace 2 Eggs With 3 Unbeaten Egg Whites.
2. Spice Cake Mix
Add The Following:
1/4 Cup Sugar
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon -- Ground
1/2 Teaspoon Cloves -- Ground
1 Pinch Allspice -- Ground
3. Extract Flavored
Replace Vanilla Extract With A Different Extract Plus A
Few Drops Of Food Coloring For Flavors Like Cherry,
Lemon Or Orange
4. Fresh Orange Cake
Add The Following:
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon Orange Zest
Replace The Milk With:
1 Large Orange, Squeezed: Plus Water To Equal 1 Cup
5. Cupcakes with any of the above recipes
Fill Greased Cupcake
Tins 1/2 To 1/3 Full
To Make 2 Dozen
Bake 20 To 25 Minutes
NOTE: To prevent a cake from sticking to a pan, put the
pan on a wet towel as soon as you take it out of the
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