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Home >  Cakes

Cake in a Mug
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Makes 8 coffee mugs

Cake mix in a mug that can be made in the Microwave. Use any flavor of cake mix and corresponding flavor of pudding mix.

For the glaze, Use a corresponding flavor of powdered mix, such as
lemonade for lemon, cocoa for chocolate, et cetera.


1 (18.25 ounce) box cake mix
1 (4 serving) package instant pudding mix
2 2/3 cups confectioners sugar
1/4 cup Powdered dry flavoring mix (see description)
8 large coffee mugs
16 small plastic bags
24 twist ties

Directions: Check your coffee mugs to make sure each one holds 1 1/2 cups water. Place dry cake mix and dry pudding mix into a large bowl and blend well with a whisk. This will be about 4 to 4 1/2 cups of dry mix and will make 8 coffee cup cake mixes. Divide mix into 8 small plastic bags (about 1/2 cup each). Place mix into a corner of each bag and tie it there with a twist tie.


Make glaze mix:
In a medium bowl, combine confectioners sugar with powdered flavoring mix. Divide into 8 small plastic bags and close bag with a twist tie. Attach each glaze mix to the cake mix bags with a twist tie. Place one of each bag into each cup.

Attach the following instructions to each cup - Print Label

Generously spray inside of cup with cooking spray. Empty contents of cake mix packet in cup. Add 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of oil, 1 tablespoon water to dry mix. Mix 15 seconds, carefully mixing in all dry mix. Microwave on full power for 2 minutes. While cake is cooking, place ingredients from Glaze mix into a very small container and add 1 ˝ teaspoon water.

Mix well. When cake is done, pour glaze over cake in cup. Enjoy while warm.

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