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Free Mixes in a Jar

Home > Bath & Body

Oatmeal Bath Bombs 
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1/4 cup of baking soda
2 Tbs. cornstarch or corn flour
11/2 Tbsp of almond or apricot kernel oil
1 Tbs. of water
2 Tbs. Citric acid
1/4 cup of Oatmeal
5 drops of food coloring
10 drops of fragrance oil or essential oil


Start by putting all the dry ingredients into the large bowl, and mix it
together. Place the apricot or almond oil into the dry ingredients by adding it slowly
until it is mixed through. If the mix is still crumbly then add more oil.

Shape your bath bombs into balls using your hands, or press the mix into a mold, If you are using a mold, give it a light spray with mold release or cooking oil from a spray can (as this gives it a light coverage).

Press the mix into the mold and press it out onto grease proof paper or place your hand made balls onto the paper while it dries. Let them dry then harden for 2-3 days, store them in a airtight container.

Use 1 Bath bomb per bath.

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Free Mixes in a Jar


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  Free Mixes in a Jar


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